Gay Egypt
Pyramids, renowned cities, and extensive coastlines – vacations in Egypt stand in a class of their own
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About Egypt
All types of homosexual activity are illegal in Egypt. This means that when preparing for your adventure in Egypt, it's crucial to consider several significant cultural, legal, and social factors.
That being said, Egypt can be a relatively easy destination for LGBT travelers with the right information to remain safe.
While it is better to avoid any explicit public display of affection, for example, Egyptians might not take notice of things such as holding hands because it is culturally acceptable for men to hold hands in public if they are friends or relatives of each other. This cultural practice, however, has nothing to do with homosexuality, and foreigners should remain careful of PDAs.
Moreover, since tourism is one of Egypt's main sources of income, Egyptians might pay no mind to the appearances and preferences of tourists, especially those with a "powerful" passports.